Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Here we are at the end of another year, a full decade since the fear and trepidation with which we approached "Y2K." New Year's Eve has always had an effect on me; it used to be that I hated it because it seemed that all the year's hard work was erased and it was time to start all over again. Now it's the chance to start all over again that gives me hope.

As I take stock of 2009 as it applied to my life, a lot of stuff happened - a lot of difficult stuff, sad stuff, painful stuff - but if I'm honest with myself, each "bad" thing revealed something good. Difficulty bred courage and ingenuity. Sadness and pain revealed the kindness and love that surrounded us and gave us cause to be thankful. Behind it all lay the reality that our lives and times are in the hands of the One who gives us courage, opens His arms to us and lavishes us with His love - both in the hard times and the good times.

As I face a new year, I step out in faith that the God who knows the number of the hairs on my head knows the number of my days and that, in His unfailing wisdom and love, He also knows the plans He has for me - and they are for good. I need only to listen, to trust and to obey.

I can't wait to see what He has in store.

Grace, peace and blessings to you in 2010.

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